You call me Mad, I call you Sheep

Monday, January 28, 2008

Like Jesus Would Ever Own A Gun Or Vote Republican

I got this saying from a magnet that we have on our fridge.

This brings up a topic that has always bothered me.

Why do members of the LDS church vote republican?

Mormon's like to talk about how in the pre-existence Satan and Jesus argued over how we would all return to God. Satan wanted to make it so that everyone would have to do the right thing and therefore "everyone" would return to God. While Jesus wanted to make is so that everyone would have the choice to exercise faith?

This is where the dilemma comes in for me because republicans would like to make everything that is sinful illegal. This list includes gay rights, abortions, illegal drugs, etc.

If republicans want to take away peoples ability to make choices for themselves and so did Satan, then wouldn't republicanism be the idealism of Satan. I thought we were all supposed to have free agency. How are we supposed to exercise that free agency if we are not allowed to make decisions for ourselves.

This to me is why the ideals of republicanism and Mormonism are like oil and water but somehow church members have found a way to make them mix


Travis Whitney said...

But I thought that democrats want to control everything and pretty much make up each decision for them. I'm thinking quite simply here, and I'm probably wrong. I've never been interested in politics.

I do agree with your thinking though. Of all of the free-will talk, there seems to be a lot of people who think that nobody can be trusted to make their own good decisions. Religion has to provide every answer, regardless of whether the answer is vague or not, and everyone should follow it regardless of whether they beleive in the same religion or not.

I think this problem comes from the fact that people think that morals come from religion.

Ominous Cloud said...

ABSO - FREAKING -LUTELY!!!! Like I wrote on FLAK, one of my biggest peaves is when people believe something because either their parents did or their friend/acquaintances do. And yes the democrats do have their fair share of wanting to control things as well but at least they don't seem as pushy (to me anyway), and they stand for helping people.

This is a complicated subject and I wrote the blog when I was high on paint thinner fumes so it didn't come out quite right and I have been too lazy to edit it.